Quote Originally Posted by Surrealistik View Post

As far as Heavy Suppression focused builds go, they seem to have some promise, but again, rocket/grenade spam is too strong to pass up IMO. Holotargeting isn't really useful late game either (you have all the accuracy in the world).
This doesn't make sense to me. Are you saying that every single heavy you have should be maxed out on rockets and grenades? You only need more than 1 or 2 if you actually plan to bring 3+ heavies into the same fight, yet you've stated that you also use supports and have them use suppression. The suppression-focused heavy isn't an alternative to other heavies, it's an alternative to a support or assault role, where you give up the healing/smoke grenades or the run and gun abilities for better space control and a gameplay style that's more focused on slowly advancing and controlling territory.

Quote Originally Posted by ShneekeyTheLost View Post
Actually, for an odd combo, try two Heavies, two Squadsight Snipers, and an Assault.

For this, I go all the way back to Everquest tactics. The Assault... is your Monk. He is the ONLY squad member who goes out and explores new territory. When he finds enemies, he pulls back and lets the Assaults and Snipers exterminate them. Then goes back for more. He's also got the Arc Thrower, for quick captures if you wound but don't kill something.
This certainly works once you have archangel armor, since you can get a sniper that has LoS everywhere on the map. It's a bit tougher to do something like this early because a lot of the time it can be hard to get clear lines of fire on the ground and the enemies won't follow you, instead just taking up an overwatch position and doing nothing for turns on end.