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Thread: G&G: Conditions

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    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: G&G: Conditions

    I really like this, but I have a few question.

    First, I'm not certain that I understand the spell-level limits on "conditions caused" rule.
    Two things I want to confirm: if a level 1 spell would cause a condition and you fail your save by 10 or more, you still only get the First Degree condition.
    Next, if you are at a Second Degree condition, and you fail your save against a first level spell, you condition does not get worse.

    If either of those are incorrect, please tell me how it is supposed to function.

    Secondly, I'm not sold on The "Mind Control" track just yet. "Trusting" doesn't seem very powerful, even for a low level spell, and it's possible to get that as your result even with a high level spell if the character only fails their save by a small amount. What if instead the conditions where as follows:
    Trusting: Improve the creatures attitude towards you (similar to the Diplomacy skill) by 1 step, to no more than Friendly.
    Charmed: Improve the creatures attitude towards you by 2 steps, to no more than Helpful (if the target was already Trusting, this improves their attitude by 1 additional step).
    Dominated: Will follow any order without question (though orders that would lead directly to the character's death grant an additional save).
    [or something like that]

    Also, for the "Slowing" track, Immobile has the same -2 penalty as Hindered, despite most other second level conditions dropping to -5. I thought more severe conditions replaced instead of stacking, but it also doesn't list halving you speed or preventing charging, so I'm a little confused. If this isn't just a typo, can you please explain the rationale to me?

    In my magic fix, I stripped out a lot of the saves and balanced it other ways, but I might still try to work this in as well, somehow. Thanks for the ideas!

    Edit: For Blown Away, what about something like- you are knocked prone and pushed backwards 1d10x5 feet in a straight line away from the Spell's caster.
    Last edited by Deepbluediver; 2012-10-20 at 06:33 PM.
    Quote Originally Posted by Rater202 View Post
    It's not called common because the sense is common, it's called common because it's about common things.
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