Quote Originally Posted by Jacklu View Post
Lava Fields

The tar roils under the flames and falls still. After a moment, the ground starts to rumble. It splinters and shifts.

An ear piercing shriek splits the air. A bubbling mass of black tar rises in front of Jakob. It curls into itself before erupting upwards, forming a huge ropy tentacle tipped with dozens of barbs and curved claws. It waves menacingly and sweeps towards Jakob.
Lava Fields

Jakob laughs heartily, a strained sound coming from throats who treat such jovial things as foreign tones.

Slapping the obsidian with his tail, it shifts and heaves below him as a hookfaced beast rises up before him, made of the same flowing stone that the wall he summoned was earlier. The tar-like substance can crash into that instead of him as he moves back and weaves another quick enchantment over his own flesh, the effects of which are not yet visible.