Quote Originally Posted by Anarion View Post
Sure. OOC summary of my two really bad missions.
I suffered two full squad wipes, the first being a terror mission, the second actually coming right after I made my crazy Twilight post, which was to 5 mutons and a cyberdisc. I actually am not sure which mission you died in, as I had several snipers. Based on the fact that you got a nickname, I'm thinking it was the later muton mission, but I'll tell you both.

What happened in the terror mission is that I advanced too slowly. I had some bad luck with the 45-65% range shots getting rid of 4 floaters, so it took me ~4 turns to get past them and be able to move up freely. By that time, ~4 civilians had died, and when I moved up, I tripped 3 chrysalids and 2 zombies. The zombies had already been made, and turned into more chrysalids on the next turn. This was the first terror mission and I didn't have any upgraded gear, just regular guns and weakest armor. The chrysalids scattered backwards and killed several more civilians, but it took me basically a whole turn just to kill the chrysalids one at a time. Eventually, I ended up getting swarmed by 5 chrysalids at once with another 3 coming in progressive stages and once soldiers started panicking after a squaddie went down, I couldn't do anything and they all died.

The second wipe was a regular abduction. I was in a parking lot with several cars and a building complex on the north end of the map. I had carapace armor and some laser weapons by this point, but the mutons had advanced to being armed with the best plasma rifles. I first triggered 3 mutons. I took 2 of them down with no trouble, but the third was at 1 hp and I wanted to capture it, so I let it run into one of the buildings and didn't chase it. In killing the first two, I had my best assault run and gun in and on the alien turn a cyberdisc came out. My sniper, who was probably you, Tiki, hit the cyberdisc and I thought I could kill it with the assault using double tap at point blank range. Instead I got minimum damage with both shots and left the disc at 2 hp. I still thought I could kill it with a grenade, but my heavy's furthest move left her in a square that was getting the grenade stuck on a building corner, and because of my mistake the cyberdisc lived. It 1-shot the assault at that range, and the still living muton came out from around a corner and also killed a rookie. At that point you sniped the muton and the heavy shot the disc dead, with my support cleaning up the robot arm that had survived the disc explosion. I thought the mission was going to be over, but instead two more mutons came around a corner and attacked me that turn. I had 3 squad members left and no explosives of any kind. I had you shoot one of the mutons, Tiki, and you hit it for 5 damage with your laser sniper, but also panicked from the intimidate. I shot and missed with 65% chances on both my heavy and my support. The next turn, the mutons shot and killed you Tiki, as your panic had made you run into half cover. That left me with two guys with laser weapons against a full hp muton and a half hp muton. The full hp muton was in the open and I had 65% or better hit chances with both guys, so I tried to kill it. No luck, one shot hit for 4 the other missed, the mutons killed the heavy in return fire. I tried to finish the muton with the support from high cover, now with 65% chance to hit. No luck, both mutons fired, support went down, mission over. Having the heavy be unable to throw that one grenade pretty much wrecked the whole mission, and it was simply me not realizing that a grenade throw would get stuck on the building corner from the spot I moved to.

Although my two squad wipes are detailed above, several close calls and rookie deaths are the results of 90% chances failing. I missed a 90% capture chance twice in a row on a floater, though that one didn't lead to any casualties. And I'm sorry you didn't get a nickname. I can make a Diego Havoc II if you want.

You were whichever sniper wasn't Tiki in the squad wipes detailed above. And as with Diego, if you want Sylvestor "Sly guy" McFly II, I can make him for you.
Okay, that was darkly amusing enough.

Quote Originally Posted by Diego Havoc View Post
I wouldn't mind another shot.
Whilst I don't dissaprove of this, I'll pass myself. Sgt Tiki "Hex" Snakes is dead, and as such unavailable on this playthrough.
If you are getting that low on available names for former Thanqol's, perhaps you should consider drafting OC's?
Pre-approved for recruitment;
The Ponithid
Robo Ponithid

*As a Space Vampire, Bleakmane can be re-recruited after her horrific but potentially honourable death.