Quote Originally Posted by Madfellow View Post
That's been promised too.

And while yes, the playtest has changed directions multiple times by now, that was all IN RESPONSE TO PLAYER FEEDBACK, aka the whole reason they're having a playtest in the first place. All of the major design goals have remained consistent.
"In response to player feedback" actually means very little, since I have no idea whether my desires are the majority, the minority, or even really being transmitted to the developers. They have their own way of reacting to things and perceiving things, so there is no guarantee that something they previously "promised" can't end up being left by the wayside, if, for example, it interfered with some new design goal they thought up.

I also have a hard time really confirming that "the major design goals have remained consistent" when those goals rely on things that haven't been revealed yet (and thus cannot be tested as to whether or not they are actually functional and accomplish their stated goals). For example, it is promised that we'll be able to make encounters as long/tactically interesting as we want, yet there are no real tools to aid DMs in creating elaborate and interesting encounters, only short and mind-numbing ones.

In short, I will believe it when I see it.

Quote Originally Posted by TheOOB View Post
During PAX they said that they will eventually allow for 3.5 multiclassing, that is choosing what class you level when you level up, not some kind of level 1 hybrid thing. However, they did mention you would likely go into modified versions of the classes that are a)not so frontloaded, and b)give relevant abilities even if the class is taken at a later level.
3.5-style multiclassing doesn't have anything to do with what I'm talking about, and in fact I don't even really like the concept of it.