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Thread: Princess: The Hopeful

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    Barbarian in the Playground
    Join Date
    Jul 2012

    Default Re: Princess: The Hopeful


    With no mode of transportation readily available, Kim and Gerald get to walk. For a little way, until he managed to get a cab. It was a long ride, across town, to a squat looking apartment complex. He didn’t talk very much, spent most of the time peering out the windows, jumping at shadows, or looking suspiciously at anything slightly out of place.

    His home was a two-bedroom affair, modestly decorated, though nothing in particular stuck out as suspicious. There are a few pictures of his wife still around, along with her things, though they didn’t seem to be put to use. He didn’t spend much time, grabbing things he needed, packing them all in a bag. Then down to his car. “Thank you for letting me go, I promise I won’t get involved with anyone like that again. “ And he seemed sincere enough. Then he was gone, driving down the street and out of town.

    ((Does anyone have anything they want to wrap up with? We’ll move on to the next thing, if not.))
    Last edited by Inedible; 2012-10-22 at 02:27 PM.