Quote Originally Posted by The Succubus View Post
The LGBTAP NaNoWriMo Challenge!

Hey folks!

I had a rather cool idea on the train home this morning. As some of you may know, November is National Novel Writing Month and I had a really spiffy idea for us all. The normal format of NaNoWriMo is a 50,000 word story written over the course of the month but I'd like to tweak the idea slightly for us.

The challenge, should you choose to accept it is write a story based on this premise:

Science has finally achieved a lifelong dream of many folks in this thread and created the Aphrodite Machine. This wondrous device basically turns someone into the opposite gender in the space of about 30 minutes. The figure that steps out of the machine is still recognisable as the person that went in but a flawlessly transitioned version. So for example, a man with red hair and grey eyes steps in and a woman with red hair and grey eyes steps out. One small catch is that using the machine will render you infertile, so unfortunately people that use the device will never be able to have children.

So your story could be from the perspective of the person creating the device, it could be someone using it for the first time or a friend that has a relative/friend using it - pretty much anything you like, provided you stick to the core concept. If you've ever read the short story collection "Machine of Death", this is the LGBTA version of it.

Naturally, we're not looking for a 50,000 word behemoth from each of you - this ideally would be a collection of short stories - maybe 10k words or so.

Any takers?

You know, this reminds me of a Neil Gaiman short story, "Changes" (for some reason I tend to pronounce it as Ch-ch-ch-ch-changes" in my head though) where a scientist finds a cure for cancer that has the side effect of changing the users sex. Generally the use of it for non-medicinal purposes is banned, which means that in black market it outsells heroin and cocaine. Has also side-effects such as it being forcibly being used on boys to increase their worth as prostitutes or being used in China to change the gender of newborn girls to boys. Despite this, still a generally rather positive story, I think.