Quote Originally Posted by MoonCat View Post
Here's a pic of the gorgeous MOI holding the dictionary, grainly taken form a phone in Pacific Northwest fog-light.


It's about 3/4 as thick as me, and at the time I was a very little girl. The entire thing fell on my arm at an odd angle, and...

Well, it got popped back into the socket.
That is a nice dictionary. What does the writing on the front say?
"The something something Dictionary of the English Language?"

Personally, I love reference books. I am particularly fond of our dictionary.
It's an old World Book one from the seventies published in two volumes slightly smaller than that with all sorts of interesting things in the front of A-K.

And gilt edges! I just love gilt edges!

Quote Originally Posted by HalfTangible View Post
Be glad you didn't watch that one about the It on the train.
I'm going to have to watch that one again. In fact, I'm going to have to watch all the creepy Doctor Who episodes again...

Quote Originally Posted by Kneenibble View Post
Thank you for sharing the story, and congratulations on your performance. How big is a small speck? I am a Child of Mammon; I love gold.
And by small speck, I mean small speck.
How to put this in words... You know sand? About the size of grains of sand.

After all... There is still gold in Gympie, but not at the surface. They mined all that out decades ago. The gold that is left isn't profitable to extract at this time.

Quote Originally Posted by Kneenibble View Post
I feel dissipated, and cheerless. Nor cardamom, nor budgie-nibbles, nor even this erudite discussion of classical Rome can replenish my vim.

I put out this general plea for help with my depleted mojo.
General warning of possible ponies through links.

This calls for the big guns. Hugs and adorable artwork, maybe something suitably poetic!
Unfortunately, none of my own artwork because none of mine is suitable.
Cue the clarinets.

Sometimes, I forget to feel jaded, despite what's happened in my life. And I think, that's because you bring such a beautiful light to the world.
So don't cry Kneenibble, because we'll always be here for you and we're not going anywhere. To shelter you from the rain, and if need be, to carry you across the desert.
And we'll sit together in the warmth and relax with some tea, or maybe coffee.
Because you'll always be our friend despite what happens. *hugs*

I spent too much time on that. But it was worth it.
And maybe that song wasn't the best choice...