Quote Originally Posted by WarKitty View Post
So, more trouble. I'm below the number of hours completed I'd need to retain any funding for school. Trouble is, in order to get around this I have to be able to reasonably demonstrate that I'm "taking steps to resolve the problem", including seeing someone.

I've been trying for months to get to see someone. There is no one taking patients. This unfortunately happens a lot. I'm tired of being judged and punished for not seeing someone when there is in fact no one that I can go see.
Paperwork is your friend in this case. When you apply to see a doctor, do you do so via telephone or email? The latter would be the better option as that way you can keep a printed record when the surgery says "sorry, your doctor is in another castle". That way when people ask "what are you doing about it, you can present them with documented proof that you have been searching for a doctor, albeit unsuccessfully.

Quote Originally Posted by Castaras View Post
Some of you might remember a couple of months ago my ranting about me being terrified of my work.

It's been nearly 3 weeks since I started doing Physics instead of Maths. On the negative side, it means I'm paying 3000 extra for my degree (in the failed year of maths). On the plus side, I'm happier despite the larger work load, and actually interested in what I'm doing.

So my academic life is now over 100% better. Happy happy happy.
Physics is fun and now that you're happier, you have a much better chance of being successful with your course. It's nice to see a positive ending in here once in a while - let's hope for other folks to a get a happy end as well.