Quote Originally Posted by Aotrs Commander View Post
So, apparently Bioware are talking about Mass Effect 4 and that it won't be about Shepard (no duh) or "Shepard 2" and won't even be about a soldier. Though they haven't even decided on the context, aside from it being "very, very different."


Yes, that just fills me with confidence, guys.

Ya know what, Bioware, you do that, I'll be over there, waiting for Obsidian's Project Eternity. And, if you do a really, really good job, I might decide to care once the game's been released and reviewed, 'cos you've burned the last of your kudos of late...

I think, the fact alone that my automatic reaction to an announcement to ME4 (or a Bioware RPG period) is now (perhaps even unjustifiable) sceptism and not whooping excitement is a sign of how badly they've botched it for me in the last couple of games, even with those game's good assets as counter-point...
So it'll be about a mercenary then?