Quote Originally Posted by Gamer Girl View Post
I see social interactions as an important part of the game. But not the part of the game that is listed on table B-6 on page 134. Social interaction is the important part of the game as your sitting around a table with real people. An to role play is a huge part of the game.

If a player really wants to do the ''I roll a 20 and convince the guard to let me go'', I gently suggest that they might want to go play a video game. Then they can have fun in a world where every NPC just stands around with no life and waits for the player to speak to them. When you sit down at a role playing game, your gong to be expected to play a role in the game. Not roll your way through a game.

And tactics are important in combat, but both in and out of combat. In a true role playing game, you have to think out and plan before you take actions. Again, if you just want to endlessly fight monsters, who nicely sit and wait for you to approach them you might want to just play a video game.
I agree a player should make some effort, but he doesn't have to compete for an Oscar or Tony Award to do so. It is enough to say what idea he is trying to get across. He could pay a bribe or convince the guard he's underappreciated to not be so loyal or use seduction then roll for success. For those players who can improvise a grand tale of speech hooray for them. They should still roll. For those players who can't, state the tactic used then roll. Neither way is BadWrongFun.