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Thread: [4E] Ages of Athas

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    Troll in the Playground
    Meltheim's Avatar

    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    Roseville, CA

    Default Re: [4E] Ages of Athas

    All - [Open Desert Near Tyr]

    The party continues their travel overland, taking breaks to refresh themselves and get out of the sun when possible.

    Those raised in the walls of Tyr begin to recognize the region more, as the arid wasteland gives way to ruins and hollowed structures of a similar architecture - speaking to relics of ages past. As the afternoon draws on, the party begins to collectively understand that they may have to camp another night, and that these structures are probably the best bet.

    No loss of healing surges for keeping up a pace. Travel is flavor for now, but will not become a factor unless it needs to be. Since nobody expended any daily powers and nobody took damage, feel free to RP the end of day however you want and then I will post again to move the next day forward.
    Last edited by Meltheim; 2012-10-23 at 04:42 PM.

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