Quote Originally Posted by Just to Browse View Post
I agree that rocket launcher tag is bad, but this "fix" doesn't solve that problem. Now you have "rogue impairs, necromancer shakens, ninja inhibits", and everyone looks at the necromancer with their sadface on because he could have helped knock the target out instead of poking it. Heck, you're encouraging all-wizard parties even more than before, because that way everyone will deal the same conditions with their attacks (you also encourage all-rogue parties, all-fighter parties, etc., but I don't think that's much of a plus.)
I mean, it does at least mean that the entire party has to cooperate to land a crippling condition, instead of the wizard doing it with one spell, so it's still a significant improvement.

I feel you on this. The only solutions I can think of are limiting condition stacking (e.g. once per round, or only after taking X damage, etc.) and universal stacking (going from category I to II elevates all conditions). Both of those give kind of meh results, but I think you can take bits of all three and get a workable system. The bloodied mechanic seems like it could help encourage condition-blasters and damage-dealers.
Hmm... universal stacking doesn't seem good for anyone. 1/round slows things down, but doesn't eliminate the problem. We could eliminate stacking altogether, but that may weaken conditions too much. Then again, maybe not. Hmm...