Vampire Brouhaha

Two more vamponies dead. One hiding behind a column putting himself out.

The Master stood there in his makeshift chambers and stared stoically, staring at the door. He could feel the deaths of his prodigies having had given them a part of himself to live once again. He glanced over at vampony mare he was drinking her stank blood from, she was getting herself ready, discombobulating herself from having had a lot of her blood consumed.

"No, you stay here, that's an order,"
He told her sternly. She looked at him in confusion and opened her mouth to protest but, it was an order, so she obeyed. "Don't let anyone in here." He left the room.

He approached a pocket of vamponies hiding out in this particular corridor among several others. He watched them, stared at them, they silenced themselves and looked at him attentively. It was then Worry Wart scrambled over the Master.

"We've deployed the civilian vamponies, perhaps our boys in there can get themselves out of that compromised situation."

"Tumble Drift, Wind Kicker, and Tom, are dead."
There was a random background gasp.

"Oh...but that still leaves Duster right?"

"Yea...but I wouldn't count on his getting out of there. Regardless, the enemy is here and we need to be ready for them and their bag of tricks. Hopefully, their bag of tricks dwindles down."

Back to the gang

The vampony who could only be this Duster stayed behind the column after barely just containing the fire and putting it out before it spread too quickly. He bitterly crushed the arrow into dust with his hooves when he took a peek and watched his companions get turned into....well...stuffs. He looked away, he needed to figure out how to get out of here and not get shot, these ponies or at least two of them were uncanny sharp shooters with deadly accuracy. It was then his needs were considered as from nowhere, twelve random vamponies of all shapes and sizes flew out of a corridor and immediately attacked, some vamponies levitating slabs in front of them, some immediately going for mega pawnches, some sending powerful gusts of wind to blow the enemy away, and just lots of moving around and a lack of clusters.

Quote Originally Posted by Orzel View Post
"Gud. Ah am starving." Accent returned as Lochbed hopped off the couch and dashed for the table.

Aubade watched them with a small smile as they sat down. There was a spread of toast and jam and french toast with syrup, and strawberry banana smoothies.