Quote Originally Posted by t209 View Post
Season 3
Can anybody guess which crystal ponies arc will fit in with LOTR characters?
Twilight- Gandalf
Spike- Samwise
Fluttershy- Pippin
Pinkie Pie- Merry
Fluttershy- Frodo
Rarity- Legolas
Applejack- Gimli
Shining Armor- Aragorn
If you're talking about casting Lord of the Rings with ponies I've had a few thoughts on the subject:
Frodo- Applebloom
Bilbo- Granny Smith
Samwise- Spike
Merry- Sweetie Bell
Pippin- Scootaloo
Gandalf- Princess Celestia
Aragorn- Twilight Sparkle
Boramir- Rainbow Dash
Gimli- Applejack
Legolas- Rarity
Tom Bombadil- Pinkie Pie
Galadriel- Fluttershy
Sauron- Discord
Saruman- Chrysallis
Balrog- Iron Will
Golum- A really messed up Diamond Tiara (with Silver Spoon as Deagol)
Treebeard- Big Macintosh
Isildur- Shining Armor
Orks- Diamond Dogs
Uruk-Hai- Changelings
Barrow Wights- Windigos
Nazghul- Shadowbolts
Witch-King- Nightmare Moon

Not complete yet, but most of the most major characters are figured out