If this helps at all, 3.U uses the following tracks:

Senses: Dazzled, Impaired, Blinded/Deafened
Fear: Shaken, Frightened, Panicked
Stunning: Staggered, Dazed, Stunned
Fatigue: Fatigued, Exhausted, Unconscious
Paralysis: Slowed, Immobile, Paralysed
Mind-Control: Influenced, Charmed, Dominated
Illness: Repulsed, Sickened, Nauseated
Confusion: Fascinated/Intoxicated, Confused, Insane

Dazzled/Shaken/Fatigued/Repulsed: -2 to all rolls

Impaired: -2 AC, opponents have 20% concealment
Blinded/Deafened: Disadvantage to perceive, attacks against you at advantage

Frightened: Disadvantage on rolls within presence of bestower
Panicked: Disadcantage on rolls within presence of bestower and flees

Staggered/Sickened: only one standard or move action per turn, other actions unaffected
Dazed/Nauseated: Only one action per turn, cannot make AoOs
Stunned: Cannot take actions, attackers have advantage

Exhausted: cannot double move or charge, disadvantage on reflex saves
Unconscious: Drops anything held, falls prone and cannot act.

Slowed: All movement halved
Immobile: Cannot move (speed = 0), disadvantage on reflex saves
Paralyzed: cannot move (speed = 0), cannot act and disadvantage on reflex saves

Influenced: Disposition towards charmer improves by one step, charmer has advantage on checks to socially interact with you
Charmed: Regard charmer as friend/ally, and cannot attack them. Charmer has advantage on checks to socially interact with you
Dominated: You are under the control of the charmer, losing the majority of your free will and following commands to the best of your ability. Certain circumstances may allow additional saves

Fascinated: Cannot take actions. Breaking concentration ends this condition
Intoxicated: Disadvantage on skill and attack rolls, need to pass DC 10 Fort save to cast a spell or similar ability
Confused: Every round 50% act normally, 25% do nothing, 25% attack last attacker. In lieu of last attacker, nearest creature
Insane: Every round 20% act normally, 40% do nothing, 40% attack last attacker. In lieu of last attacker, nearest creature