Quote Originally Posted by Eldan View Post
You have to consider that some conditions also lower saves. So, giving someone several level 1 conditions makes applying the higher ones easier.
There are two, impairing and fear. Managing to get one of those effects on nets you a -2 to their save (will for fear, or any for impairment). Say we have a 50% success rate, that now becomes a 60% success rate.

So there's a 50% chance of giving a 60%. That means there is an overall 30% chance of hitting an enemy with an extra condition. Alternatively, you could just cast a given spell twice instead of debuffing and have a 75% chance of getting the effect on. Condition spamming is more than twice as effective over debuffing, and my preliminary calculations show that this trend doesn't break for almost any normal range of saves.

I actually like the idea of encouraging synergy with varying save debuffs, but the current set-up is nowhere near successful. You need much bigger penalties to make that sort of strategy worthwhile.