Hmm, this is rather interesting. I am curious as to how such mating pairs come to be, due to the assexual reproduction of Beholders. But that's just me being nit-picky.

My first reaction is to say, "Oh cool, elves with three eyes!"

My next reaction would be to say that they are quite a powerful set of races. As such, I don't think the LA's are high enough.

The Kolumaka have antimagic vision turned on ALL the time, unless they fire a ray. This means a dude strapped in +5 gear turns into a regular schmoe in a high-fantasy setting, when the ray is upon him. That seems REALLY powerful in my opinion. Worth at least a +1 or 2 LA.

They also have non-equal stats, worth a +1 LA.

The trinocular vision gives a +1 to ranged attacks, which is worth a free weapon focus feat. I would say this was worth +1 LA, though it could be argued.

Overall, I would say leave the Kolumaka at +3 or maybe take it to +4.

Next is the Haukea. The +1 to cold descriptor DC's easily is worth a +1 LA, as is the +1 to ranged attacks and antimagic vision. Overall, I would say at least a +2 LA.

Nextly is the Leilani. Unbalanced stats, and the +1 to ranged attacks should be worth a +2 LA.

Next on the list is the Hekiliao. I would like to say that I find the idea of these guys very entertaining. I've not seen many cultures that hail so much towards electricity. Its refreshing and unique. Nice job! On the topic of LA's, I would say that the unbalanced stats is a -1, and the +1 to electricity descriptor spells is a +1, along with the questionable +1 to ranged attacks. Overall, I'd give this a LA+1 or keep it the same.

Last is the Kaimana. Again, interesting idea with psionic aquatics. Its unique. The +1 to ranged attacks is the only thing that gets me. Up to you, but I'd say +1 LA.

Ok, overall, this stuff is quite interesting. I like the flavor of it.