Quote Originally Posted by Traab View Post
You mean like. . . inadvertently causing the robot apocalypse, which forces the surviving humans to go underground all john conner style after he watches lilah get killed in front of him? After he loses lucas, and is now treated as a monster for being the one who built zeke in the first place? Those are some serious consequences to me, showing pretty damn clearly how his dumbassery has caused real nasty stuff to happen to everyone including him. Yeah, I know, it will get fixed by the end of the arc, but so what? But it isnt good enough, because he cant be allowed to write any sort of semi serious arc without the world jumping down his throat. So he is damned for writing silly comics where the main character has no serious long lasting consequences. Then when there ARE serious consequences, he gets mocked for writing a crappy drama in whats supposed to be a comic. Buckley cant win.
The problem is is that the robot revolution is a storyline so out there and uses such fantastical elements that I can't be bothered to care (like with the sentient evil penguin storyline), whereas his actual, realistic jackassery like treating his customers like crap and yet not being driven out of business still looms.