Quote Originally Posted by PurityIcekiller View Post
"Good idea! It's nice 'n warm by the forge, 'n she'll probly have plenty to do!" Blades patted Arvadraa on the back.

"A metalworking shop? I cannot object to that, I suppose."

Oh, great. Now there's going to be three easily provoked, powerful magic users and one smith who doesn't seem to grasp the concept that killing ponies is not a nice thing to do. This could get troublesome.

"Ah, thank you." Flare placed the helmet over her head and looked around. "Now I can actually see the sights of this place while my eyes finish adapting."

Night Jewel laughed. "Remind me never to take you to my homeland. The sands produce a lot of glare there, and quite nearly every single building is white."

"I'll keep that under consideration. Now, let us head to where I will be staying."

And so the small party headed to the town gate, hopefully without killing each other along the way.
"I might enjoy visiting your homeland, then. I have not tested my armor in a desert yet."

"I'm sure this is going to come off as ignorant, but Horne's asleep, so...what's a desert?"