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Thread: Careless Village WW

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    Dwarf in the Playground
    Join Date
    Mar 2012

    Default Re: Careless Village WW

    Kal blinked. For practical reasons, she did not mind being kicked out of the inn 'because she had a place to go.' Her nerves, however, were still a bit wound; she was still getting used to the sounds of the house and the new alley it butted up to.

    Still a bit wound up from the last few days, she had pulled a number of notebooks and files from the study and was pouring over them in lieu of actual rest. Her conversation with Torch (&we) had sparked several new lines of inquiry. She was also trying to corroborate her findings with the former Mason's when she heard it. That was very clearly a voice close by -- singing.

    Opening the window father to hear better, she saw at the end of the alley a figure slumped against one of the houses. Much more interestingly, she heard the unique tones of Nighthunter speaking from a closer position.

    Kal leaned a bit out the window and looked down. Didn't he head off to find the Grey Mage?
    Last edited by Kalrany; 2012-10-27 at 12:55 AM.
    78% of all DM's start their first campaign in a tavern. If you're among the 22% who didn't, copy and paste this into your signature and tell us where you DID begin.The players were attacked individually on the road on the way to town by werewolves. To survive, they had to team up then and there without knowing anything about eachother (literally -- all character sheets were completed without other players' knowledge).