Quote Originally Posted by TheAmishPirate View Post
Sandy squeaked and hid himself amid the sea of hair. Silverpine meant well, but seeing the giant face of your genderbent friend suddenly fill your vision could be a bit of a shock for a little pony. That last "maybe" was enough to get him to poke his muzzle out. "Silverpine! I can't go t'the game like this! I can't even go across th' street like this, for that matter. Please, y'gotta find somepony t'fix this!" Sure, Soft Serves usually wore off quickly. Emphasis on "usually". What if this one went on for days? Weeks? What if it never wore off, and he was stuck as a pony-fly forever?! The miniature pony buried himself in Fox's mane, trembling like a leaf.

Clearly, this needed the gentle touch of a lady to comfort the poor guy.
Quote Originally Posted by Benson View Post

"Oh hey...haha...glad you're not squished, that would be tragic,"
Gearstride said with a laugh, making a sincere comment sound totally unsincere.

Fox Trot rolled his eyes a little and patted Sandy on the head. "Don't worry...t-that's my job after all...You, just hang on...but don't make knots with my mane. Anyways we'll get ya to Miss Smoothie and things will be better. hopefully.

With that, he started to walk, not run, lest the little guy go flying away, towards the direction of the library in the northern outskirts of town.
"To Miss Smoothie!" Silverpine declared, ham and all, with a forehoof curled behind Fox's shoulder and the other forehoof pointing foward, all while standing on her hindlegs.