Quote Originally Posted by Benson View Post
Gwynfillion watched the little colt in curious amusement. She would end up levitating over a book from the bookshelf, one she had been reading on and off whenever she was here.

"Garion, what are you trying to do here?"
She asked conversationally. She could tell what was going on, but she wanted to chat with him anyway.
"I'm trying to make science." Garion didn't look up, too absorbed in setting up his top for another run. With a sharp tug, the top was off...and promptly crashed into the Flinky and halted. The little colt blew a tuft of mane from his eyes in irritation. "But the top won't ever go through the Flinky. It either gets stuck, or crashes. It's not very good at steering."

He plucked up the top and stared at the stubborn toy with furrowed brows. "I told you not to hit it like that! If you'd just duck, you'd make it through. Hmmph, we'll just have to try again..." Undeterred, Garion started setting up for another run.