Aikijutsu and aikijujutsu, I believe, are the names given to the style in its earlier days. I'm not sure what differences there would be though. Learn anything good? Are you a ninja master yet, Morph Bark? Don't forget to ask for the secrets of reading another's Qi/power level! That's thermal trick you wanna master~

Quote Originally Posted by dehro View Post
in most of Europe, AFAIK, you're not allowed to carry a concealed weapon ever, unless you happen to be in a trade that practically requires you to have one, say law enforcement.. in most countries it's heavily regulated business and even collectors or indeed martial artists may only carry weapons to and from places (gyms), in cases or suchlike..and usually the possession of said weapons is regulated by permits without which being grandmaster of whatever-do isn't enough to keep you out of trouble.

I know for a fact that in Italy, you can get into trouble for carrying a screwdriver upon your person if it doesn't happen to be in a toolbox/toolbelt and you're not going places to work with it. say you get caught late at night with a screwdriver stuck in your belt or in the pocket of your trousers, coat or whatever.. the cops are going to think you plan to use it to do improper things to people and/or property..
they usually take a dim view on things like that.
anything with a blade or a pointy end that is being carried without clear motive (and no, self defence is not considered a valid motive) is likely to get you into trouble depending on the circumstances in which it's found upon could of course claim that you just bought it at the shop down the road..but then they'd ask to see the receipt, which you're supposed to keep for tax reasons..and if you don't produce it, they will fine you for that, if not for the carrying of a potential weapon.
controls may not be very fact I don't think I've ever met anyone who actually did get into trouble over carrying a screwdriver or an utility knife.. but if it ever gets to the point that you pull it out for self defense and authorities get involved, things may well turn out badly for you... to the point that you may wish you'd taken the beating instead.
Yep! You can get in trouble for having a roll of quarters in your pocket if younger into a fight on the way to the laundromat and the othe guy suffers head trauma. Even if you didn't use said roll of quarters.

It's unfortunate, as when you outlaw weapons only outlaws will have weapons. But such is life.