Quote Originally Posted by Balmas View Post
Hypothetical discussion time! You are given the reins of Hasbro, specifically the My Little Pony department. They plan to start an animation based off one fanfiction from the fandom. Your task is to choose that fiction. You control distribution, and so can choose whichever fic you like. Which fiction do you choose and why?
Oh wow that's hard.
I could just go for thanqol/raz/esperderek/any other ponythread major author, but... I have no idea how to pick.
Lessee. Midnight would probably be considered a shark if she were actually on the show.
Misted Stage could work.
I have totally read everything thanqol has written. I haven't not gotten around to it. >_>

So, by process of elimination, Misted Stage?

I don't read much fanfiction...