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    Ogre in the Playground
    Join Date
    Dec 2011

    Default Re: Ponythread LV:55 Ponythread learns Agility!

    Quote Originally Posted by Deadly View Post
    I hope they don't use the Elements, but they probably will. That's another one of those premises that can easily be taken too far and used too often. It would be great to see them resolve something big like this without resorting to the Elements or some other big Magic Magic Mojo. Just plain old heroics and old-fashioned wits and flank kicking.

    But I guess if Big Magic™ was the solution a 1000 years ago, it's going to be the solution this time too, in some form or another. I think there was mention of a "Chrystal Heart", that's probably some ancient magic artifact.

    Well, Shining Armor and Cadence are there for a reason, and the only reason I mention the Elements, is because I've stopped believing these ancient evils can be solved by a party pony and a fashionista, know what I mean? A basically deity sends a group of friends to save the world. I don't WANT them to use the Elements, because of the Sailor Moon principle, but at this point, there's really no other reason to justify how they handle these big conflicts.

    Quote Originally Posted by DigoDragon View Post
    So, totally uninformed guess on S3 discussion:
    Maybe the "next level" of studies is for Twilight to take on a student of her own to teach friendship to?
    I think in a technical, possibly overthinking it way, Twilight already has friendship students, her five friends. They all teach each other.
    Last edited by Pendulous; 2012-10-29 at 01:03 PM.