Quote Originally Posted by Ramza00 View Post
So if this is true...

Assuming Ichigo's mom was a Quincy, why then couldn't she defended herself agaist the grand fisher or at least recognize his presence before she died.

Only thing that makes sense is that for some reason Ichigo's mom was depowered. If both Ichigo's mom and dad were depowered it is very likely that they were depowered at the same time and we still don't know why/how Ichigo's dad was depowered.


So what do you think the chances are Ichigo's sisters are going to be kidnapped since they share the same bloodline and Bach wants them join the Quincy family and become reeducated. Or has Kubo forgotten about Ichigo's sisters?
No, he might have forgoten about Kone, but not Ichigo's sisters. As for why Ichigo's mother didn't sense the Hollow that killed her she certainly was depowered. Or rather I would say any powers she might have had were dormant as they had never been activated in the first place. Ichigo didn't manifest any Quincy style abilities before this despite the huge amount of spirit energy has been exposed to. So it would seem that for a Quincy to have powers they must be activaed in some fashion and then trained to use them.