Quote Originally Posted by Draconi Redfir View Post
To a six-sweep old jadeblood who doesn't need to worry about being drafted for many sweeps to come, in a society where different members of the same caste can have vastly different psionic or vision abilities from every other member of the exact same caste? Is it really that difficult to assume the thought "gee, i haven't been able to lift things with my mind, i can't talk to zombies, i can't see through walls, but i can survive in the sunlight without going blind. guess i don't have anything else special about me" after six sweeps of life?
Yes it is. If you have a rare bloodcolor, then you find out what it does.

Have you ever googled “what are my abilities as a *Insert Ethnicity here*?
No, but I don't come from a species that has superpowers.

Would it really be fair for me to ask "well why didn't you check to see if you were one sooner"?
Thats not my point.

Why is this fiction?

being able to survive in the sunlight when everyone else is sleeping,
Just get a protective suit. It mustn't be THAt tough if stuff can still grow under it.

being able to survive getting your guts blown out
This is impressive, but we have seen trolls able to destroy you WHOLE. Plus explosives exist.

quite possibly improved speed and strength,
No proof for that. We only saw her kick a dude in the junk.

the lack of a need for any sustenance aside from blood every now and then,
No proof/ You would still require a form of sustanance/ Why would anybody care about that COMBO!

the ability to attack and drain fellow trolls of their blood while appearing completely being normal otherwise...
.......Can't every troll do that?