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Thread: New Star Wars Movie in 2015

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    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: New Star Wars Movie in 2015

    Quote Originally Posted by Machinekng View Post
    In my opinion, the real issue with Disney is its sheer cultural influence. Disney movies are some of the first movies parents take their kids to, and the amount of Disney merchandise is overwhelming. The idea that one organization could shift cultural mores through its products is kinda scary.
    E.g. for instance Disney decides that all it's franchises must be "family-friendly" and thus not have any violence (aside from maybe very stylised, such, as say, never showing the heroes actually hitting the bad guys, just the reaction from said hits or something) or perhaps, slightly less seriously, but still very detrimentally, not mentioned "death" ever (like the 1990's X-Men cartoon, for example, where they really had to painfully gloss over it with "gone"). Or perhaps strip all forms of magic out of everything because, well, I won't spell it out, aside from saying that there are certain dogmatic aspects of society, especially in the US, that would be very happy with that kind of decision.

    It this any of that is likely? No, probably not; not even probable, maybe; but it is plausible, as all it takes is one high-level management guy and some sort of bog-up/scandel to make the attempt. Now, something as daft as that would be, being nearly corperate suicide, but there has been that sort decision made before (Marvel's blanket smoking ban, for example). One only has to look at some of the editorial mandates Marvel and DC have had of late, and imagine what that could be like on a larger scale, the trouble would be if at that parent company level. It could impinge on a lot of stuff. It would equally, in it's own time, probably be overturned itself, but you could have years between.
    Last edited by Aotrs Commander; 2012-10-30 at 07:33 PM.