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    Titan in the Playground
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    Apr 2012

    Default Re: Is this a DM who needs to get hit or is their a way to win

    When this thread was posted, dude, the inclinations posted at the beginning were in effect. {Scrubbed} And the lich only left after this post came up and I was asleep, hmm go figure. Doesn't take much brains there. Well saying the person was neutral when the diplomacy was being used no. It would turn him helpful, not greater dispel magic on me. Definatly saying me and the said NPC have had history that is not violent, and actually quite helpful towards one another, meaning it should be at helpful to start of, but lets just say it was at neutral. Mind control possible. But saying it would be against his nature, and his very being to attack someone who is seeking out the goddess their would be a will save, and major negatives against the spell.

    And so you think this
    + 3 salt mummies CR8 each and 3 sand golems CR 12 each

    Is an easy fight for
    sorcerer spells

    When we can not kill 2 of the salt mummies unless the DM allows a destroyed body to be able to be brought back to life with raise dead. And the blighter who is supposed to be on our side protecting the goddess from this lich. Who now is gone, but at time of this post was not. You are taking into consideration and putting to much weight in what the DM said and not the original facts that we the players were given which I gave to the playground and they even said it is close to impossible. Sand golems, immune to magic. makes cleric and mage useless, they are constructs meaning no sneak attack so ping them to death. Mummies and hyena sure kill them all with a greater turning now I fail my mission to bring two of them back to life, unless DM states otherwise. I already made one of the mummies go Boom and the hyena. The other two until we have proof that we can bring them back I can not. Lich (at the time) got by any attack thrown at him and well immune to fire damage basically. Meaning I go into melee and get desicated to death. Then there is balion, which is well yea....greater dispel. Keep in mind that not a single one of those creatures has any items on them on their sheets. Saying I made them and left the dm to equip them for another campaign.

    Can we win the fight now that the monk is an NPC and we know that and the lich has left, yes. But before that was not the case until in my time normal people sleep, you know 2am and such. Which was not the time that this thread was started nor the original question. So please refrain from comments like that. Now with the newest update easily done. But before no it was not. and if you take a look at the sheets we were going up against and optimize the spells for each of the casters and give them the best things there money can buy at that level then guess what, my original statement still holds true.
    Last edited by Roland St. Jude; 2012-11-04 at 04:55 PM.