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    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: General Exalted Discussion XII: One More and Get a Free Deathlord

    Quote Originally Posted by Gensh View Post
    There are traditionally (according to TVTropes) said to be two types of superman - the Fettered, who draws power from bonds; and the Unfettered, who is without such limitations. Sids, DBs, Alchies, and (ironically) Lunars tend to be Fettered in greater numbers, whereas the Solaroids, especially Solars themselves, are the Kings and as such are typically Unfettered. I'm guessing you prefer the former?
    Possibly. I don't treat TVTropes seriously enough to use its definitions.
    As for the Dragonblooded... the way I see it, Exaltation is a matter of luck first and foremost. That's obvious. But anyone can potentially get a Celestial exaltation whereas you need to have the Dragon blood to Exalt as a Terrestrial, even if you do heroic things every weekend. And the more of that blood you have, the more likely you are to Exalt as a Terrestrial. I really didn't expect to start a debate, though. It's not like I think they're worse for it either. Just different. And, like I said, my favourite "splat" are Heroic Mortals anyway.
    Last edited by Morty; 2012-10-31 at 04:13 PM.
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