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Thread: New Star Wars Movie in 2015

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    Barbarian in the Playground

    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Iowa City, IA

    Default Re: New Star Wars Movie in 2015

    The new movie is set for a couple decades after Return of the Jedi, so they can't exactly look for a young guy to play a character who'd be at least in his late 40's and who is not a force user. Besides, re-watch the originals. They're not exactly based on physical stunts. The most Han Solo ever did was jog and fire a blaster.

    The biggest problem is that Harrison Ford has said in the past he wouldn't be interested. If he refuses, I back Nathan Fillion as the only other option.

    I swear to cow, if they cast some muscled-up he-man type as Han Solo, I will spill my Doritos all over my keyboard (Yay self-satirization!).
    Last edited by JackRackham; 2012-10-31 at 04:19 PM.