Quote Originally Posted by golentan View Post
We so very much don't seem to be having the same conversation that it's kind of comical.
I was joking. Using the NPCs as an example of the greater heroism of Alchemicals as a splat is flawed as the quality of NPC writers has improved. Doubtless the signature Solars in 3E will be of a similar level of interesting heroism as the alchemical NPCs. (Instead of almost to a (wo)man being hated for stupidity and pettiness).

While it may be that Alchemicals are more heroic on average, that seems to me an empirical question. As the writers are the one's who decide the facts of the world they more or less decide. My point is that Alchemicals do not have an a priori claim to being the most heroic simply because their raw material comes from a bunch of endorphin junkies who have a tendency to do dramatic things.

In order to normalize the level of heroism between Alchemicals and Creation born Exalts the fact that much Alchemical heroism is inflated or not of their own making must be considered. We don't say a crack baby is responsible for their addiction, so a certain degree of writing off of heroism is required for alchemicals due to their inbuilt conditioning to perform in a glory seeking manner. (Glory seeking+success=heroism in the traditional definition)

There may be other factors such as the greater intrinsic danger of authochthonia producing more heroes among the Alchemicals. These are separate from the innate qualities of the splat and should be treated as such.