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Thread: Super Power Lottery

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    Troll in the Playground
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    Default Re: Super Power Lottery

    Quote Originally Posted by BladeofObliviom View Post
    This beats omnipotence, actually. Why? You can blank the page for Omnipotence, and thus whoever had it just gets dropped down to normal.
    Not really. Mainly due to power immunity, which makes my powers immune to manipulation by anyone and anything.

    Quote Originally Posted by Joe the Rat View Post
    Can't say much for the long game, but you're pretty much beatable with a net.

    Mmm... okay, if you aren't moving appreciably, you're beatable with a net. Having the ability to survive things isn't the same as having the power to do things. I've played this guy (less the juggernaut walk part). It's actually rather fun.

    Not that I'm up for it, mind you.
    My dear, dear, fellow, you obviously have not read things fully. I'm Omnipotent - those two powers are just subsets of it. You catch me in a net - assuming you could - and your net ceases to exist. Actually, the concept of nets ceases to exist. But hey, you get my point.

    Quote Originally Posted by C'nor View Post
    I got Reality-Altering Powers. Which apparently technically means I'm also Omnipotent, but for these purposes, we'll ignore that for the moment, since the point of this isn't really to prove that two Overdeities can probably figure out a way around each other's defenses.

    I have Omnilock, so I step outside all realities, including the one you exist in, meaning I can't be directly observed or affected by you. You can surmise my existence from suffiecent evidence, if I slip up, but that's about it; as soon as you enter the non-space I'm in to try to get at me, it becomes a reality, and I vanish from it.

    I then use Nonexistence on any romantic love and/or attraction any significant other you might have feels for you, and on the concept that they might do so.

    Then I use Reality Warping to make it so that a thing can both exist and not exist at the same time outside of thought experiments, Nonexistence to erase the concept that it was ever not that way, and Creation to make an empath who is blissfully unaware that they contain such a substance (which, theoretically, you and your powers will also be unaware of, since it counts as not existing), and attracted to you, then place them where they'll be set up so that it should be reasonably easy for them to use their knowledge of your emotions to get into a relationship with you, and use Nonexistence on the concept of their not having existed prior to when I created them, as well as that of their not having been born normally and lived a reasonably normal life.

    Should that work and you become reasonably intimate with them, some the non-but-also-not-non-existent substance should get into your body, where it bonds to you and becomes recognized as a part of yourself since even as it's doing that, it doesn't exist, and thus doesn't count as a change, at which time I use Reality Warping again, to remove the first substance from the empath I made, and replace it with another, which, when it combines with the first, is an incredibly lethal toxin, which, presumably, will be counted as part of your body's normal function, since the first half of the toxin is now being counted as part of you, and has as its purpose bonding with the second half.
    At which point you run into the fact that I'm flat out immune to toxins (Absolute Immortality), knew what you were doing as you were doing it due to existing everywhere and knowing about everything in existence and non-existence (Omniscience, Omnipresence, Omnilock), and that everything you did actually never happened (Absolute Restoration). And none of this can be altered in any way (Universal Irreversibility).

    Last edited by Snowfire; 2012-11-01 at 08:06 AM.
    Quote Originally Posted by QuintonBeck View Post
    Many thanks to Snowfire for collating all these. He's a madman, but he's a helpful madman.
    Spoiler: Things
    Quote Originally Posted by Mynxae View Post
    Damn you Snowfire. I cried.
    Quote Originally Posted by Falcon777 View Post
    T_T I swear, you just made me cry.
    Quote Originally Posted by Qwertystop View Post
    Well, here's another for your sig, Snowfire.

    <struck dumb>