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    Ettin in the Playground
    Amidus Drexel's Avatar

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    The Algol System

    Default Re: Kneenibble's Knack for Knightly Knickers: a Knell for Random Banter #184

    Quote Originally Posted by araveugnitsuga View Post
    Silverfish are... why are they bad at all?

    They do not transmit disease and just eat mostly leather and synthetic fabrics, which is not exactly a catastrophe except for books, and even then they are easily eradicated through spider breeding.

    And I'm a preferential carnivore with the goal of eating each animal at least once before death and which dislikes about 80% of animal life.
    That doesn't include humans, does it?

    Quote Originally Posted by Teddy View Post
    My house is overrun by silverfish, and trust me, that is not a silverfish (house centipede if the image URL is to be trusted). Also, silverfish tends to be more... silvery.
    Ah, ok. It's been a good while since I've seen a silverfish up close, and the same goes for centipedes.
    Last edited by Amidus Drexel; 2012-11-01 at 07:33 PM.
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