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    Barbarian in the Playground
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    Default Re: Dresden Files: Winter is coming

    Quote Originally Posted by Mauve Shirt View Post
    He might not be allowed to be a Warden anymore... Kind of a conflict of interest probably. And they wouldn't want to chop his head off now. He can probably bargain for Molly's release from the Doom, but that would be TOO EASY.
    Indeed, Harry isn't allowed for anything (positive) to be easy for him.

    It's also possible that despite his affection for Molly, he might understand that she might not be ready to be free of the Doom after how he saw how she was in Ghost Story. I'm personally interested in hearing what will happen when Molly is brought back before the Council at some point, given that it's pretty explicit that she has seriously violated her probation (and not just in her actions in the Big Reveal in Book 13).

    I'm really looking forward to the new release, since dealing with the particulars of Harry rejoining the world of the living will be most interesting.
    Last edited by Sinfonian; 2012-11-01 at 09:34 PM.