Quote Originally Posted by MoonCat View Post
I can spell with perfect ability! It just takes me a very long time to concentrate enough to do so!

Mmm-hmm. I take it you're not in honors?

Does he know kung fu?

You are a sillyhead.

Ugh, hat was terrible.ION: Just fell alseep for a few minutes on top of my history book. Gods, why do I ned to memorize dates now???
Sure, Moonie. Sure.

I in one. English. And I'm bad at it cuz I not try hard nough. ITS HARD TO WORK SEMI MEDIUM-NOT-HARD.

HE KNOWS RAPTOR FU. *bites head off*

I am indeed. The point is, of course, that sillyheadedness is coo'.


Dates? Dear god, your school sux. Memorizing anything except the century the event happened (or, if its all a period of like, 10 years or something, then MAYBE a year is ok) is for lame. I mean... unless its a war. then you should know the dates by heart and recite the commanding officers.