Well, today has been remarkably productive for me as far as my uncommon weapons go. Spam-buying Veteran packs has now gotten all but two of my uncommon weapons to rank 10 - those two being my Incisor, which needs two more ranks, and my Phalanx, which needs four more. Since I do want the latter available, I'll keep at this, and hopefully finish up tomorrow.

Something that surprised me doing this - apparently, it is no longer the case that the guaranteed uncommon slot in Veteran packs cannot drop uncommon gear. I've picked up several of those recently, most in my biotic damage gear, which I'm sure as heck not complaining about . Gear does seem less likely to drop than weapons or expendables though, so I don't know if spam-buying Veteran packs will be worthwhile for getting uncommon gear even once all your uncommon weapons are maxed out. Haven't seen any uncommon weapon mods yet however, so they may still not drop in Veteran packs' guaranteed slot. Which is a pity, since I still don't have even the first rank of SMG ULM.

Quote Originally Posted by Wraith View Post
In other news: Operation JACKHAMMER is occurring at the same time as the Halloween Challenge.

Sounds tricky, but doable. Time to break out my Krogan, I think
Tricky? It says it's cumulative across matches. The only "trick" is that it has to all be done on one map. Just play as Vanguards on the map of your choice for a while and you'll get it easy.

Quote Originally Posted by SiuiS View Post
Okay. I make use of sophisticated tracking on melee; I start the windup as far away as possible, an travel several meters while delivering the blow. Makes it easier. If you're just going to swing, yes, it's terrible.
I've found trying to use that unreliable, I'm afraid - it's hard to tell at what range it kicks in. I've had some deaths as my Slayer in particular simply because the tracking of his heavy melee failed to kick in properly sometimes, and he instead teleported somewhere I did not want him to be. On other classes it mostly just results in wasted time, but with the Batarian's windup time, that can be an issue.

Quote Originally Posted by SiuiS View Post
Yes, and all in the same spot, the description that was dropped with rebellion back when.
Huh. I do not remember that at all, honestly.

Quote Originally Posted by SiuiS View Post
I've stopped buying packs though because all I get is gosh-darned rare ammo. You haven't had suck until you drop almost a hundred thousand credits on nothing but ammo.
Ouch . I hate just getting those occasionally as I do. All the time wold drive me mad.

Quote Originally Posted by SiuiS View Post
That's what I used. Selective use of de-buffing to break apart heavies.
Well, good to know someone has tried it and had success with it, since it was pretty much my only idea of how to use that class.
