Quote Originally Posted by Cikomyr View Post
Man, I do miss intentionally shooting walls. The original game was really fun in that aspect: I once spent 5 minutes tearing down the walls of a farm house, one at the time, to get at a sectoid holed up inside.

I didn't felt like going inside and risking my men, so I peeled the farm like an onion.
If I could make a change to the new X-com, it would be to allow shooting even if there's not a target. There have been a lot of times I wanted to simply blow out a UFO wall with plasma weaponry and it sucks that you can't do it unless you have spare rockets and grenades.

Though blaster bombs in the original were just too good. I greatly enjoyed capturing an alien commander by blowing a hole in a battleship roof and having my troops with flight armor drop in on the commander. I imagine having that animated would have looked like them all flying in and airlifting the unsuspecting commander straight out of the ship.

Quote Originally Posted by SlyGuyMcFly View Post
It worked for me. Let the UFO float about, a while later a Battleship turns up, looking for the satellite. Not 100%, but fairly reliable.
I've never had this work, and I have no idea why. I've let at least 4-5 UFOs go and never gotten a satellite shot down.