Quote Originally Posted by McStabbington View Post
He is the biggest single example, if not ever then at least since Gene Roddenberry, against the auteur theory of film. And for those of us who actually do care about that universe as a medium for telling engaging stories, then taking the car keys away from him was the best possible thing that could happen.
Oh he beats out Roddenberry for damaging his own creative works for sure.

Quote Originally Posted by Renegade Paladin View Post
I disagree with your assessment in a couple particulars. Primarily, Wedge is a movie character, not an EU creation, and the Marty Stu in those books was Corran Horn.
And Wedge in the movies is a recurring extra I personally still cannot picture outside of his flight helmet. We can infer he was a pretty good pilot since but only because he made it out alive not because anything says it on-screen.

However yeah while there's some Sues around SW for sure... Wedge is not one of them.