Quote Originally Posted by Starscream View Post
Hey, guys, just poking my head in this thread to ask you a question.

I was a big fan of the original XCOM back in the day, but held off on buying this one because at the moment I have more games to play than time to play them.

I finally decided to cave after Yahtzee gave it a good review. I mostly watch him for the comedy, but he's so negative that I rarely take his opinions to heart; he's dissed too many perfectly fun games. But because he's so hard to please, I know that when he does like something, I should take notice (Portal, Arkham Asylum, Assassins Creed 2).

So now I want XCOM. Only question is which system I should buy it for. I have both a PS3 and a rather powerful laptop. Of course, my first instinct would be to get the PC version, since that's what I played the original XCOM on, but even though my laptop can handle the game with flying colors, it has a nasty tendency to get rather hot when playing modern games; I bought an external fan, which helps a lot, but the problem is still noticeable.

PS3 wouldn't have that problem, but I don't know if it would be the same. The review scores are comparable (88.48% vs 89.31% on GameRankings, 90 vs 89 on Metacritic). So I figured I'd ask you guys; do you know of any differences in the PC and PS3 versions that make one a better buy than the other?
I'd suggest PC for the modding community. There have been a bunch of mods out there, including additional difficulty settings, a way to change the frequency of UFOs, one that lets you mod it so a UFO appears before an abduction that you can shoot down to prevent the abduction, and all sorts of less ambitious mods.