Quote Originally Posted by TechnoScrabble View Post
Always willing to risk anything, really.

I think my only characters still alive are Riley, the-boy-who-was-gonna-be-Cthulhu's-snack-but-now-has-a-bolt-pistol-for-an-arm and the Tire Geal, though.

I could whip something up if neither of those appeals to you.
Quote Originally Posted by TechnoScrabble View Post
Sure. Would you like me to go post now, and if so, which zone/street would you prefer?

EDIT: Oh, and C'nor, which thread did we keep the description of the Tire Geal in? I can't seem to locate it...
Riley's probably a bit young. But the Tire Geal should work, so long as the character isn't a magic user. Or you could make a new person; I'm fine with whatever.

And you should be able to find them in Rael's entry, which is linked in my signature.