Quote Originally Posted by Selrahc View Post
EDIT: I'd also say that there will be a *lot* of safe zones when fighting with tactical FTL. The enemy has no idea what angle of approach you will take. You can be any direction or side of them in a millisecond. The Chaos fleet does not have enough firepower to blanket a 360 degree sphere of space around them with weapon fire.
each ship can cover 270 degrees. So they should be able to form a 360 degree death sphere pretty easily.

Quote Originally Posted by Fan View Post
Daemonships have no listed restrictions, and is the obvious capital ship of this fleet.

Also RT, and battlefleet Gothic are a bit outdated.

Recently, Imperial Armour: Aeronautica came out, along with the newest "Battlefleet Gothic: Armada".

You're welcome to look there.
Why would you assume the Daemonship is the capital ship?

I couldn't find the newest version of Battlefleet Gothic: Armada. Or to be more accurate I found one that was from 2003.

Anyways why couldn't they cover each other's rear arcs with 4 ships? One ship correctly positioned can cover the rear arcs of two other ships.