Speaking of garra, I just have to wonder about something that made no sense to me. How the hell could the assassins have failed to kill child garra? Did they REALLY have noone in suna capable of moving FAST in the ninja corp? Or otherwise capable of unleashing an overwhelmingly powerful ninjutsu attack? His sand can be broken through, we see it happen, alot. Rock lee is able to punch and kick through it. Sasuke is able to shove his lightning encrusted fist through, not the usual sand shield, but that ultra strong barrier he had setup so he could transform. Kimmimaru was able to shrug off his sand burial technique, and muscle his way out of the sand coffin. Was there really no ninja in the kazekages command that could do this stuff?

I could understand the first couple failing due to trying stuff like thrown kunai or whatever, but after seeing how it automatically protects him, did it ever occur to the kazekage to send an observer to watch and look for weaknesses like, "Oh, it takes .14 seconds to react to an incoming threat. It never moves faster than that. If we attack faster then we could bypass it." "Oh, his sand shield clearly bowed outwards from the impact of those exploding tags. If we can deliver 2-3x as much force, it should penetrate the barrier and kill him." That sort of thing. Gah, its just so stupid. Child garra had no real ninja training, all he had was his sand, which has weaknesses like anything else. A skilled jounin should have been able to tear his head off before his sand knew to react.