Warlock good in Sologrinding? Yes that's because they seem to be Blizzards loved child while the other classes except the Paladin have to hide in the closet...

On a more serious note: Warlocks and Frost Mages are DPS monsters. As is a good equipped Mutilate Rogue... you can't keep up with that as a shadow... it's really depressing.

Close Calls? Well our first Elegon Kill was... pretty close. Final Phase begins, one after another everyone dies. The Warlock and I stay alive, he uses self heal I dot elegon, mb, 3 orb Devouring Plague then dispersion and I survive as only one and we got our loot. Sunday we had a 0.2% wipe because everything was perfect... right before the second P3 our rogue falls into the pit-.-