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    Barbarian in the Playground
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    Aug 2010
    Virginia, USA

    Default Re: Dominic Deegan, Mk. XLVII: A Flat World From Recycled Scrap

    In Luna's defense, when your plan is this scattershot, anything is worth a try. Here's the plan, thus far, in its entirety:
    1) Show up at the sanctum.
    2) ???
    3) Bangarang.
    So adding the steps
    1a) Contact race that can't return to the Dominion prime, and has been away from Dominion prime long enough to have no stake whatsoever in the conflict. Let the historically imperialistic, militaristic, apparently technically superior group know that the armies of Dominion prime need them because they can't do it themselves.
    1b) Nothing goes wrong, ever.
    sure, whatever. By all means, contact THE ELD and reminds them that Klo Tark infiltrated this plane long before any of them, something you completely forgot to do last time (or maybe you just couldn't do because they wouldn't stop expositing?) While you're at it, contact the jerk Semashi dancers to try to insult the king into a dance-off that he'll lose because he is blind (the king is blind).
    Last edited by rocketpony; 2012-11-06 at 05:51 AM.
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