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    Troll in the Playground
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    Default Re: Bleach VI: We Want Our Baby Bach Ribs (Aizen pull)

    Quote Originally Posted by DiscipleofBob View Post
    I don't see what's so wrong with the latest chapter. As far as I'm concerned, it's Kubo playing catch-up.
    The problem is that it sucks what little tension remained out of the story, and proves once again that Kubo is totally unwilling to kill any but the most minor of characters.

    The Quincies launched a full-scale, devastating attack against Soul Society. They directly targeted the captains in all-out battle, and they were able to kill nobody. The only one who could kill anyone was Juha Bach, who has become the deadliest person in Bleach through his astonishing ability to kill two people.

    I mean, seriously. Byakuya, Soi Fon, Whitey and Werewolf ALL lost their Bankais, and then the guys who stole their superpowers got bored and wandered off I guess? Byakuya was reduced to a smear on the wall, AND had a death speech, and he's STILL ALIVE. Drunky was shot through the head, and HE'S still alive. Soi Fon and Whitey appear to be entirely uninjured, as do Shinji and Longface. Ukitake... didn't actually appear, did he? I mean, like, at all? Was he in any issue of this fight?

    There are no stakes in this battle, because once the author has backed down that thoroughly, it's over. We know that no one will seriously be put at risk, and any scene that suggests otherwise is blatantly lying to us.

    I will accept Kenpachi's survival, because surviving things that should kill him and recovering is kind of his actual shtick. But at the very least, Byakuya and Drunky should be dead. In addition, at least one other captain should be as well (probably Werewolf, since his entire character arc is complete and he has no powers now so why the hell not, but really any of the minor captains would do.) Enough captains need to have been killed for the Quincies to actually be a threat, as opposed to a joke. If they couldn't kill more than one named character with literally everything going their way, how can we take them seriously?

    Quote Originally Posted by Morph Bark View Post
    What, pary tell, did Kishimoto do that is far worse then? (Unless you mean it's from the newest Naruto chapter, which I haven't read yet.)
    IIRC, Pain flat-out killed a ton of people and then used his hax magic to bring everyone back to life after his sudden change of heart.
    Last edited by Friv; 2012-11-07 at 10:28 AM.
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