Quote Originally Posted by Alabenson View Post
And there you have it, not only I was able to vanquish the evil undead crime against nature, but the city is still mostly intact as well. All and all I'd say this stands as one of my finest victories.
You know, I was going to attempt to heal you via my new positive energy magic, but if that's going to be your attitude then you can just forget it.
Sera raises her hoof. This gesture is meaningless, due to hooves not having any appendages on them.
Quote Originally Posted by Tiki Snakes View Post
You do realise that not only is he perfectly fine in the greater scheme of things, but that he was only hurt at all because he saved the castle and those inside it from your attack? I mean, you are aware of that, aren't you? Right?

Can someone fetch me a pina colada? I'd really like a pina colada.
"I would... but bleck..."
Quote Originally Posted by Alabenson View Post
You realize you're attempting to use logic while arguing with Professor Boffinspark, right? The same idiot who's answer to every problem is rainbow-flavored destruction? The same idiot who thought hooking up the imprisoned spirit of chaos to his ship like a battery was a fine idea? That this is the pony you're trying to reason with?

To Tartarus with the pina coladas, I need some flicking zap applejack at this point.
"Why don't you just punch him in the head a few times? It couldn't make him any worse." Wow. Sera must be /really/ grumpy. :s

Meanwhile, Candles pulls himself back up from the ground. "My head... what the heck was that... and... what the heck are those?" Growing up on the horizon, there seems to be... a massive tree. A second one seems to be growing closer, although it isn't nearly as large yet.