Quote Originally Posted by LordRahl6 View Post
Its nice to see that someone is stepping up to refocus the captain's whining. (Let's admit it that's they are doing) Though it is a surprise its the womanizing captain. Other good names for the chapter would have Afternath or Fallout.
Quote Originally Posted by Drolyt View Post
Why is it a surprise that it is Kyoraku? Who would be a more natural leader? I suppose I might have gone for Captain Consumption.
Quote Originally Posted by LaZodiac View Post
Kyoraku's an (awesome) lazy bum.
since all these posts handle the same subject:

it's simple why it's him. 1st: he is (one of) te oldest captains in the Gotei 13. This gives him seniority and a position to be respected in. 2nd: he remains somehwat distant in his affairs (unless you are a girl, then he might be *ahem* a bit more approachable *ahem*). Even though he is a lazy bum, he know what shoudl happen and has never had real chaos rule his squad. It has always been neatly organized. This indicates that he has leadership skills (in particular delegating tasks). I did expect to see Ukitake with him on the HRM front of Seireitei management for the rest the chapter was fairly nonexistent in stuff happening.