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Thread: [NEXUS] MaGLoG II: Alcoholic Boogaloo

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    Troll in the Playground
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    avatar by Ashen Lilies

    Default Re: [NEXUS] MaGLoG II: Alcoholic Boogaloo

    Quote Originally Posted by Slii Arhem View Post
    At the Party

    The things cackle, pointing at Elias with glee, "She gets what she wants. You she wants, you she gets." Without any other warning, a wide circle beneath Elias and Hekta's feet opens up, the floor disappearing and possibly dropping them into the depths below.

    The Office

    Should Elias and Hekta fall into the shadows, they will wind up in a grey concrete walled "office" with only a folding card table and a few plastic chairs to serve as furniture. On the table is a man's skull with a candle burning brightly inside, acting as a macabre jack o lantern. In a chair across from them on the other side of the table sits Eris, watching the proceedings in the lobby on an old portable TV with live rabbit ears sticking out of the receiver.
    The Fool can do nothing to prevent falling, but he lands lightly and then stands tall, gathering his dignity about him like an invisible cloak. "So? I am here, as you requested. What is it you want?" His tone is very different from the polite young baker's apprentice. He still tries to keep Hekta close, though she could probably wriggle free by now, if she chooses. The blood stained knife has been returned to its pocket by now.

    Quote Originally Posted by Slii Arhem View Post
    Towards the Light

    "I don't know. Please, Elaine. Tell me what you were like? Let me hear the memories again? If you're truly there, don't tempt me with them and leave me to forever wonder."

    "This was a mistake."
    Elaine whispers. Whoever this... voice... is, it isn't her Henry. He had done nothing to earn an afterlife where his memories were stripped from him like this. So either this was some other suffering soul, trying to latch on to anyone who came near, or more likely, a gypsy trick. The old man didn't know Henry well enough to mimic him, so he'd come up with this gambit. "Let's go, Vinny," she says, and she turns away from the light, blinking and covering her eyes to finally shield them.
    Last edited by happyturtle; 2012-11-09 at 12:09 PM.
    My avatar! Isn't it just utterly diabolical? Ashen Lilies made it!

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